“A liturgical service takes on a nobler aspect when the rites are celebrated with singing, the sacred ministers take part in them, and the faithful actively participate.” (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy 113)
We are singers and musicians using our talents to help the worshiping community fully participate in and experience the liturgy. As God’s servants through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Music Ministry provides music to enhance our liturgy and deepen the spiritual experience of the community. Our mission is one of prayer, thanksgiving and contemplation for the love of God. We provide an enriching spiritual experience through musical selections that both compliment the readings and the season. We believe that music moves people to see the Eucharist as alive and real as God has intended for us, His children. Thank you for joining with us in this ministry of music and helping in the building of God's Kingdom.
We welcome our parishioners to share their talent with our Music Ministry. There's always room for additional singers, guitars, flute, trumpet and more! Send us a mesage here for more information on joining our Music Ministry at St. Andrew by the Sea Catholic Church.
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