Altar Servers must have a strong desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They must be in the 4th - 12th grade and have made their First Holy Communion, know how to genuflect and make the sign of the cross. You must attend Mass regularly and be a member of the St. Andrew Parish. They must be willing to pray aloud and know the appropriate responses during Mass. It is most important as a server to be attentive, sit quietly during Mass, and show reverence at the Altar of the Lord.
New altar servers are required to attend a training session. Their altar server responsibilities are phased in throughout the year. Additional training sessions are required at times for all servers and for those servers asked to serve for Special Masses, Funerals and Weddings. Altar serving is a commitment that continues throughout the liturgical year.
For questions, please contact Danny Kollaja